
The forest that won't forget is a national public artwork dedicated to us, the women and families across Ireland who are affected by the failures of the CervicalCheck programme. But this is no ordinary artwork. The forest that won't forget is a mature, native, Irish woodland. A living, breathing, growing, life-giving public artwork. An anti-monument, an eternal legacy that will outlive us all. Alive, cyclical, sustainable, beautiful.

A place of reverence.

A place to remember.

A mother, a sister, a daughter. A partner, a wife, a friend.

A place to visit alone or together. To laugh, to cry, to sing, to be.

A place to be calm or furious.

A place to accept.

A place to rage.

A place to mark the passage of time.

A place of fertility, birth and death.

A place of interdependence.

A place of interconnectivity.

A place of solitude.

A place of resistance.

A place which publicly marks and acknowledges the historic
injustices in women's healthcare enacted upon us.

A place which recognises the truth of our experiences and shows our power, strength, solidarity, togetherness and legacy.

This woodland is a national living public artwork for us.

For women and families.

For current generations, for future generations.

A place for remembering the past.

A place for imagining the future.